Top Five Career Seeker Job Hunting Tips

Job Hunting Tips

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Ever wondered where to go and what to do to find that job you’ll love and be good at? Don’t worry, so has every one else. Good news though — there is hope. Here’s a list of some useful tips and tricks as you’re looking for a job and career you love.

1) Do your research — spend some time thinking about not only the industry or career you think you’ll enjoy, but also think about yourself and what it is that drives you. Become aware of your career attributes — skills, character, interests and motivations. A great way to to do this is by making a list. You’ll be amazed about what you discover once you put it down on paper.

2) Make sure to use all possible resources to learn and apply to jobs!

  • Internet job sites
  • Recruitment agencies
  • Your personal network
  • Career counsellors
  • Industry magazines
  • Newspapers and trade publications

Most importantly, don’t rely on one method alone to find jobs.

personality assessment test

3) Remember to ensure that your resume is up to date, accurate and tailored to the job that you’re applying for. You only get one chance to make a first impression — even on paper — therefore make sure you make it a good one! The resume should act as a good indicator of whether you’re interview worthy, not as a final make-or-break to actually get the job. Make sure to include action and goal oriented facts, employers love to see people who can work well and will make their job easier! smile

4) Many employers will require you to complete a personality assessment test or employment test as part of the hiring process. Don’t panic! These tests are designed to determine whether you are a good fit for the job, based on your personality and soft skills. Remember that there are no right or wrong answers, and that you should answer honestly and truthfully — in fact, some tests can determine whether you’re lying! So don’t.

5) Don’t take rejection personally. In today’s job market where competition is stiff and employers have the luxury of picking the best candidates (let the discussion begin of what that really means), it’s important to keep everything in perspective. Remember that at the end of the day, job hunting is a numbers game, although if you really want a particular job, you must work hard to get it.

If you have any other suggestions or tips, please share it with everyone by commenting. Hope this helps and good luck!
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