Making hiring faster with These Three features


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A predictive analytics platform for finding the best employees

Know how predictive analytics helps you find the right people for the right job and increase employee productivity.

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Schedule a demo to learn how SmoothHiring will help you find the best fit for the job using predictive analytics.

Our latest release includes some awesome features and improvements to save you time. Let’s see what’s new!

SmoothHiring used to send an email every time someone applied for your job. We heard your feedback: too many emails!

So our new applicant daily digest synthesizes all your applicants from the past 24 hours into one concise email. You’ll see who’s applied, when, and their fit score. It’s the helpful summary that WON’T fill up your inbox.

We’ll still send you an email immediately every time you get a Strong Fit because you may want to look at them straight away. You can always see every new applicant in real-time by logging into your SmoothHiring account.

Pro tip: the blue indicator on the job icon will show you how many new applicants there have been since your last log-in.

We wanted to make it even easier for you to sort through your jobs in SmoothHiring, so you can flip through all your active, draft, and expired jobs with ease.

Enter the new jobs list, with handy tabs on the left menu for everything, all in one place. We believe this makes finding the job you want to look at much more intuitive.

There’s a lot more to show, so fill out the form below, and one of our Hiring Coaches will get in touch to give you a complete tour for free.

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