Hiring Help from Jeff Goldenberg, CEO of Post Oak Productions


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Hiring Help from Jeff Goldenberg, CEO of Post Oak Productions
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Earlier this month we spoke to Craig Morantz of Leed’s on his top five tips for hiring employees. Today, I’m excited to speak with Jeff Goldenberg, one of the sharpest entrepreneurial minds I know. Jeff’s company, Post Oak Productions, is a leading provider of live and virtual consumer training, currently focused on the gaming and culinary market. An example of Post Oak’s product portfolio is the WSOP Academy. My hiring help interview with Jeff is posted below:

1) What’s the best hiring advice you’ve ever received regarding the hiring selection process? Why was it the best?

  • Don’t look to hire yourself. Look for people who fill the gaps that you’re missing. It’s really hard to do, because like attracts like, but it’s necessary. Otherwise, you’ll have too many people with similar skill sets.

2) What’s the most effective job interview question you’ve ever used?

  • I like to ask people, in great detail, what their typical work day looks like. I get a good feel for the person by experiencing their day. I also like to know how much they read and which books. I would never hire someone who doesn’t read (although what they read isn’t important to me).

3) When it comes to hiring, what is the best time/money-saving tip you know? Can you quantify your savings?

  • I haven’t found one yet. I always find the process to be quite difficult.

4) What’s your best advice for avoiding a hiring mistake in the hiring process? Why?

  • Go with your gut. Every time I ignored my instinct about someone, it turned out to be a mistake. Humans are hard wired and pre-conditioned to evaluate other humans instinctively. If something keeps bothering you about a candidate, but you can’t put your finger on it, pay attention.

5) Where (from what source) do you tend to find your best job candidates? Why is it the best source for you?

  • Referrals, referrals and referrals. I can get lots of insight into the candidate by hearing about them from someone I trust.

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