Find Candidates: QR Codes and the Role They Can Play in Recruitment


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Find Candidates: QR Codes and the Role They Can Play in Recruitment

QR codes have been around for a little while now and more and more organizations are recognizing the usefulness these tiny squares of data present and are jumping on the QR bandwagon. QR codes help consumers gain access to targeted webpages, and can be found on virtually everything — from massive billboard campaigns down to your favorite brand of cookies. It’s also evident that recruiters are now looking to get a piece of the QR action to help them find candidates.

This blog post will take a look at what all the fuss is about by examining what a QR code is and how it can be a useful tool for small business owners doing their own hiring.

What Is a QR Code?

Well, for starters, let’s understand what the initials stand for. QR is simply an abbreviation of “quick response.”The QR code system was invented way back in 1994 by the automotive giant Toyota. It served as a purpose to track vehicles during the manufacturing process.

The QR codes we are seeing all around us are a second-generation barcode, which comes in the form of a one-inch square, consisting of a series of small black squares on a white background.

Technological advancements have seen the coding system become popular in consumer advertising. Smartphone users can download and install an application that will read this two-dimensional code. By scanning the code with the camera element, the installed software will then translate the data into a URL. The user is then instantly transported to the website itself, without the need to type anything into their mobile device.

QR Codes Save Time on Typing, Reduce Errors

With more and more people using their mobile phones to search for jobs, the QR code system lends itself very nicely to the recruitment field. A great example of this is the difficulty that most smartphone users have with entering a long URL. Even for the highly skilled typists, often all that comes back is a “not found” error message. Once you’ve tried this for yourself, it is very unlikely that you’d actually want to repeat the process. Now, thanks to the QR system, there is no need to. As discussed earlier, simply scan the code and just a few short moments later you will be viewing the correct page.

Creative Advertising

The beauty of this type of system is that recruiters can use it in any medium they want. Many have already used it when advertising in magazines and newspapers. It has even been seen on an increasing number of modes of public transportation. There are practically no limits to the ways that this technology can be used.

For example, a forward thinking recruiter who wants to hear from potential applicants for an HTML coding job might find some success by making up some stickers with a QR code and the words “Coders required.” These stickers can be placed on boards near in areas where the target talent might live, work, or play. Community boards at snack bars and coffee shops would be a sensible place to target; alternatively, common areas near public transit systems could also do the trick. For more ideas on where you can advertise your job in general, have a look at our post from November on the five best methods used by recruiters that your business should know

Creating Measurable Campaigns

A huge benefit to QR codes is that they can contain measurable tracking information. This allows the recruiter to gather important data, helping to further understand the success of a particular campaign.

A number of different QR codes to be set up, in exactly the same way that a company might use different telephone numbers. The source of the enquiry can be instantly measured.

Lower Advertising Costs

The one-inch square QR code will generally take up much less room than other forms of advertising. This of course can go a long way into helping to keep the cost of advertising to a minimum.

However, there is a word of caution. Although many people will have a smartphone, there are of course people who will not. It will still be useful to show the website URL, to avoid eliminating non-smartphone users from gaining access.

Potential Uses

In addition to the methods already mentioned, there are an almost never-ending number of ways that QR codes can be used for recruitment purposes to help you find candidates, including:

  • On billboards or other signage
  • Via direct mail
  • At retail outlets

The biggest factor in the success of this media is that it will very quickly transport an individual from a non-online format to one that gives them the ability to gain more information. This means that your business will not be reliant upon people remembering to check for information at a later stage. Additionally, as we have already discovered, they will be much less prone to errors when trying to find your information as well.

Recruiters that are trying to appeal to tech-savvy individuals will see an almost immediate benefit. In most cases, these people are never far away from their mobile devices.

Negatives to Consider

The single biggest issue that will prevent people from taking advantage of this will probably come down to awareness. It would seem that even now, people are not 100 percent sure what the QR system is and the benefits of using it.

Recruiters who are looking to capitalize on this amazing technology should ensure that they send out a consistent message. Perhaps one of the best ways to do this is to include the QR codes on all of the media that they produce.

Of course, it should also be remembered that there will still be people who don’t use a smartphone, or haven’t downloaded the necessary software. For these people a conventional URL should always be provided, otherwise your business will run the risk of missing out on their visits.

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