Three Reasons for Standardized Interview Questions


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We use a standardized interview template of questions to grill entrepreneurs about their experiences with hiring employees. We’re trying to keep the questions the same, or close to the same, each time. Why?

  1. It works a bit like the strategy I employed in college to save time studying: gather a group of people to concentrate on answering the same or similar questions/challenges and you’ll have an awesome depth of knowledge on certain issues, based on practical experiences. This can help us avoid making the same mistakes as others in our position.
  2. You’ll also see how differently two or more people can solve the same challenge. We’ll have a collection of what’s worked and what does not, on certain issues. Hopefully, you’ll be able to see just how many ways there are to skin a cat.
  3. It’s easier to read quickly!

I promise that we’re not using this format because we’re lazy. This is the way I learn, so I thought there might be some other business owners out there who would appreciate learning about small business hiring the same way I do.

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