The Toronto Star: Taking the guesswork out of hiring

“We created an app that fixes hiring,” says Baldwin. “If I were to give you one sentence on it, it is the only online solution that makes it easy for absolutely everyone to find and hire the right person.” Read more…

ClearFit Featured on the Cover of Advantage Magazine

With specialized online system, ClearFit’s Jamie Schneiderman and Ben Baldwin are successfully pairing employers with the right job candidates, calculating personality profiles with many job-specific qualities.

FP Leaders Series Podcast: Ben Baldwin, Co-Founder of ClearFit

Leaders Series: Ben Baldwin, Co-Founder of ClearFit, talks about building a game changing company, and shares with us how ClearFit has become the hiring tool of choice for Tim Hortons and thousands of smaller businesses. Using ClearFit, 50 percent of all hires don’t have to be mistakes, anymore. Read more…

OLTCA: Elements of an Effective Innovation Strategy for Long Term Care in Ontario

Innovation and the adoption of best practices in recruitment and retention processes can help cut staff turnover, an ongoing concern for the sector. Some facilities already use services such as which facilitate testing and assessment of potential candidates‘ personalities and experience. Personality and experience profiles are assessed against characteristics of the position and workplace […]