Easy Onboarding for New Employees — Six Tips and Tricks

Onboarding: A Shared Challenge Onboarding is the first stage of assimilating and integrating a new employee into an organization, and it’s a challenge for both the new employee and the employer. For the employee, settling into a new job is difficult — just like that first day at school, there is much to learn and potential anxiety […]

Employee Search: Social Media Is Not the Recruiting Miracle Your Company Is Looking for

The Internet’s ever-growing popularity and ever-advancing technology have changed the way we do just about everything, including an employee search, searching for jobs, applying for positions, and hiring new employees. The early days of online recruitment saw the introduction of vocational sites and job boards devoted exclusively to connecting those looking for employment with those […]

What poker can teach you about interviewing job candidates

Three famous poker tricks, and how they can help us “read” our potential employees If you have ever played poker with any likeness of professionalism, you have probably heard of Mike Caro, the legendary “Mad Genius of Poker”. Caro is a professional poker player, casino consultant, and highly influential poker theorist. Although making a dent […]