Hiring Tips from Marketing Guru Scott Armstrong


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Scott Armstrong has become an important business advisor for us here at ClearFit. His strategic take on customer interactions frequently shakes our paradigm and challenges us to think more like our customers. So I thought it would be a great exercise to ask Scott for some hiring tips that we could share.


Scott’s company, the BrainRider Knowledge Marketing Group, helps B2B companies who want more customers tap the value of what they know to attract, nurture and close their prospects. They do this by using their clients’ most valuable information to connect them with their most valuable prospects.

1) What are the best hiring tips you’ve ever received regarding hiring employees?

  • Look for fit because you can train the rest!

2) What’s the most effective job interview question you’ve ever used … and what was the outcome from using it?

  • Who was your last boss. What will they tell me about your strengths and weaknesses when I call them this afternoon. Outcome: more honest discussion of weaknesses.

3) When it comes to small business hiring, what are the best time/money-saving hiring tips you know? Can you quantify your savings?

  • Use your network for referrals. No I cannot qualify the savings. Less than a recruiter, I guess.

4) What are your best hiring tips for avoiding a hiring mistake with job fit in the hiring process? Why?

  • Hire people you already know, because you’ll have a good sense of their strengths and weaknesses. But that only works so far.

5) Where (from what source) do you tend to find your best candidates? Why is it the best source for you?

  • My network. I can’t afford any other resources and we are still small.

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