OLTCA: Elements of an Effective Innovation Strategy for Long Term Care in Ontario


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A predictive analytics platform for finding the best employees

Know how predictive analytics helps you find the right people for the right job and increase employee productivity.

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Not finding the best employees?
Schedule a demo to learn how SmoothHiring will help you find the best fit for the job using predictive analytics.

Innovation and the adoption of best practices in recruitment and retention processes can help cut staff turnover, an ongoing concern for the sector. Some facilities already use services such as ClearFit.com which facilitate testing and assessment of potential candidates‘ personalities and experience.

Personality and experience profiles are assessed against characteristics of the position and workplace to predict the candidate‘s likelihood of fitting into and staying with the organization. While such services may seem like minor changes to recruitment and retention practices, incremental innovations such as these can produce measurable benefits at low cost and risk.

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