Resume Keyword Tool – Take 2! We heard your feedback


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Last month we launched the resume keyword tool to make it easier for you to find the applicants with key skills you required for the job. As part of that feature, the Fit score of your applicants would actually change based on keyword matching.

What you told us:

While there was a resounding “YES!” to the keyword feature there was a resounding “NO!” to allowing it to alter the Fit score of each candidate.  And we agree 100%

What we did about it:

When setting up your job, you’ll find a keywords section on the Job Details page. These keywords will automatically show up on your applicant list as a filter.

This is where you'll find the keywords

Once you start receiving applicants you can filter your results using the keywords filter on the left hand side. You can select some, none or all to filter down your list. By default the filters will be off.

Only want to see those candidates that have Sales experience? Add Sales as a keyword, turn it on, and you’ll only see those candidates with that experience!


Want to add a keyword? For the time being, you still have to add and remove keywords by clicking Edit on a job and making your changes on the Job Details page, but not to worry, we’re working on making sure you can do that through your applicant list in the near future.

What will this change mean for you?

First, we hope that this takes us one step closer to better keyword filtering.  Second, please note that tomorrow, when the changes take place, some of your applicants’ Fit scores might change.  The extent of the change will vary for each customer so please be sure to re-review your applicants and rankings carefully.

What’s coming up next, you ask?

Right now we’re working on making sure you can search within a job to make your life that much easier.

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