The Key Ingredient to Increasing Employee Productivity and Company Profits by Over 20%


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A predictive analytics platform for finding the best employees

Know how predictive analytics helps you find the right people for the right job and increase employee productivity.

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Happy Employees

If you like to make your employees happy, you’re doing good stuff for your business. According to a recent Gallup study, organizations with high employee engagement enjoy 20% more productivity and 20% higher profitability.

But making employees happy isn’t always easy. In fact, 7 out of 10 employees in North America aren’t engaged at work. So, today we thought we’d share some expert advice on employee happiness.

There are some surprising insights in the links below, like why massages and free lunches and other Google-like perks aren’t what your employees really want.

  1. Forbes: 7 Ways to Keep Your Employees Happy and Working Really Hard
  2. American Express Open Forum: 7 Secrets to Keeping Your Employees Happy
  3. Mashable: 8 Ways to Keep Your Employees Happy

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