ClearFit Makes a Major Upgrade to the Candidate Application Experience


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ClearFit Makes a Major Upgrade to the Candidate Application Experience

Most of you are aware that part of the ClearFit application process is to complete the ClearFit survey. This allows ClearFit to present our employers with the best applicants at the top of their list. This week we unveiled a major upgrade to the candidate experience. Not only is it now mobile enabled, it’s easier to use.

Here are a couple of screenshots showing the awesome new interface for mobile and desktop users. Since rolling it out, we’ve noticed a big increase in the number of candidates completing their applications.

Mobile Survey

Candidates can now apply from mobile. Technically they *could* have done this before but, eek, it would have been painful. Now, it’s built for mobile and works like a charm.

The mobile survey also has a swanky new interface that quickly presents the questions to the candidates, encouraging them to complete the survey without hesitation. Based on our beta program and survey, people think it’s pretty easy to use.

Survey Questions

What does that mean for you? More candidates. Full stop.

We’re also hard at work building new relationships with additional job boards to bring you better candidates. You’ll hear more about that soon!



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