Spring Cleaning: Our latest product updates


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Spring has sprung!

While our team is hard at work on some big exciting new features (more on those soon!), we wanted to tell you about some of the small usability changes we’ve made and new features introduced over the last little while. Think of them as a little spring cleaning.

Comments about Applicants

Comments can hold a lot of information that you’ve written about your applicants (4096 characters to be exact), but before you didn’t know you were getting close to the end of the field as you typed. Now we tell you as you’re getting close (yep, we pretty much ripped that off of twitter ☺). If you don’t know about comments yet, take a read about it over here.

Comments about Applicants

ClearFit Job Board

As you know, when you get your job posted with ClearFit, your handy hiring coach sends you links to all of your postings around the web. Now you can also see your posting at http://jobs.clearfit.com. This will grow with time, but you can always check out your listing by searching on the top left.

ClearFit Job Board

Full Profile Changes

As you know, when you’re reviewing applicants, you have to click on the “full profile” button to take a look at their resume and full profile. We’ve added a couple of things to this interaction to reduce the work of the ‘ole trigger finger.

  • The full profile is now fully scrollable. No need to tab through each section, you can just keep scrolling and you’ll see the full report on screen.
  • Not the one you’re looking for? After you’ve decided to move on to the next candidate, and you hit back, it used to take you back to page one of your applicants. Painful! Now, ClearFit remembers where you were so you can move on to the next applicant.
Profile Scrolling

Copy Job Function

We have a feature that’s been there for ages, but no one knows what it does (our bad ☹). Let’s say you want to re-open a job posting you’ve had in the past. Inside ClearFit you actually have two options from your job: hit Start Hiring or Copy Job.

  • Start Hiring keeps the applicants and just extends the date of your posting.
  • Copy job copies everything (job description, qualifications, etc.) and allows you to start fresh with no applicants (don’t worry, your old job stays as it is, applicants and all).
Copy Job Function

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