Search resumes and applicants with ease using the applicant search tool


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ClearFit’s new Applicant Search Tool gives you one place to search through all your applicants across all your jobs, so you can find exactly who you need.

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Search by Name or Email

If an applicant calls or emails, the last thing you want to do is rustle through a giant stack of resumes. With Applicant Search, you can just type in a name or email to quickly pull up the applicant’s profile.


See Applications Over Time

Ever wanted to check if an applicant has applied to more than one job? Now when you search an applicant, you can see all the jobs they’ve applied to and when.


Search by Keyword Across All Resumes

Want to see chef candidates who specialize in seafood? Python programmers? Advanced Salesforce users? There’s no limit with Applicant Search.

Simply enter the keyword you’re looking for, and ClearFit will instantly check every resume across all your jobs and show you anyone who’s mentioned that word.


Build Your Personal Applicant Database

With Applicant Search, ClearFit becomes your own personal applicant database.

Every applicant for every job is now easily accessible and searchable, giving you a quick way to reach out to people who have already expressed interest in your company.

The best part? The more you hire, the more your database grows!

We’d love to show you everything!

There’s a ton of ways that Applicant Search can make your hiring faster and easier. So just fill out the form below, and one of our Hiring Coaches will get in touch to give you a complete tour for free.

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