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A predictive analytics platform for finding the best employees

Know how predictive analytics helps you find the right people for the right job and increase employee productivity.

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ClearFit’s personality assessment test uses behavioral science that’s been proven to help large companies predict employment success, but hasn’t been available to the small business market, which is incredibly underserved as it relates to hiring.

Behavioral science – or job fit – is a much better predictor of employment success than traditional hiring tools, like interviews, supervisory ratings and background checks, as seen in the diagram below.

* Figures derived from research by US Dept. of Labor, Mckinsey Consulting, Michigan State University’s school of Business; Professor Mike Smith, University of Manchester, Au 1993; John E. Hunter and Ronda F. Hunter , “Validity and Utility of Alternate Predictors of Job Performance”, Psychological Bulletin, Vol. 96, N.1, 1984, p.90; Robert P. Tett, Douglas N. Jackson and Michell Rothstein, “Personality Measures as Predictors of Job Performance; A Meta-Analytical Review”, Personnel Psychology, Winter 1991, p.703. Also US Department of Labor; Hewitt Associates; Gallup Management Journal; Dr. B Smart, Top Grading.

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