I was asked last week by more than one person which firm we use for our PR. In particular, in roughly one week, we were named to IDC’s 10 Cloud Companies to Watch, and we were also on the front cover of Advantage Magazine and had a podcast interview and article in the National Post. We don’t use a firm … I do all our PR.
I don’t have any talent for doing PR, so I started wondering why it was so easy to write a story about ClearFit. Sure, most journalists prefer to work with company founders, so they can hear the news right from the horse’s mouth … but that’s not what does it for us. We have a cause. That’s what does it for us.
Turnover and retention are the same as they were thirty years ago (or worse), despite hundreds of billions of dollars spent on hiring technology. We’re cracking the code to successful hiring. In doing so, our vision is to become the most popular small business hiring solution in North America, then the world.
Our cause is much bigger than we are. It’s not a widget or business model or even a team. A cause is bigger than that: it’s a moving target that rules absolutely. It’s why we exist and what inspires us.
Journalists like a good story and a cause has a beginning and middle and an unfinished ending. Hopefully your business is a part of what that ending becomes.
Do you know why your business exists? There’s a great book by Simon Sinek (he’s a great speaker as well) titled “Start With Why.” Simon has a brilliant way to describe why “why” is so important … for you, your employees and your customers.