How to increase your focus in two steps


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How to Increase Your Focus in Two Steps

Recently I learned, through our  â€˜job-fit’ profiling tool that being organized is not my strength – anyone who knows me might be surprised by this. I mean I manage my life by lists, I tend towards the OCD the day of a trip, or running an event, and my filing systems are beautiful! Well it turns out that these are all coping mechanisms for naturally *not* being organized. If I was naturally so – this would simply flow effortlessly. As a Leadership Coach  â€“ I have the advantage of hearing about this common problem from many vantage points. There is not one client I’ve had, from the C-suite on down who doesn’t struggle with this same thing. There are an amazing plethora of books dedicated to this topic  but my favourite first foundational tool is Covey’s First Things First.

From the ‘trenches’, here is a dead simple 2-step daily practice. And the key to the success of this approach is practice.

  • Step 1 – Each morning take a few minutes to yourself to sit quietly and answer two questions: What is most important today to focus on? How do you want to show up for the people you will be meeting?
  • I do this sometimes in the car while waiting for the engine to warm up in winter – I close my eyes, and take some nice slow and deep breaths. My favourite version of this practice, is to take 15 minutes and mediate in my cozy bean bag chair ideally in the morning sunrise light and find the answer to these questions before my time is done
  • Step 2 – When you get that feeling take 3 deep – and i mean deep – breaths. Then decide what is most important in that moment. And/or go for a walk around the block – essentially you want to get in touch with your physical being.
  • Bonus step – find an activity that works for you in practicing that brain/body connection eg,Yoga, TaiChi, Basketball, Running, whatever will do it for you.

So, what’s working for you? Comment below or tweet me @micberman!

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