ClearFit Named to IDC’s List of 10 Cloud Companies to Watch in 2011


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Every once in a while, I’ll post something other than an interview or article. Things have been super busy here at ClearFit, finding employees for our small business customers, so this is my first opportunity to share some news that came out a couple days ago. ClearFit was named to IDC’s list of 10 Cloud Companies to Watch in Canada for 2011, along with Shopify and Dayforce (both companies I admire very much).

I think you’ll be hearing a lot more about us in the coming months, so thank you for being a supporter.

Here’s the release:

ClearFit is the only online solution that makes it easy for anyone to find and hire the best person.

Over 1,700 businesses use ClearFit’s patented software, which takes 5 minutes to set up and (i) helps find candidates with the right cultural fit and experience to succeed at a job, and (ii) generates a report that makes it easy for anyone to hire them.

IDC has released a new study, IDC Canada Profiles 10 Cloud Companies to Watch. The study features ten emerging companies that are innovating and excelling with a variety of cloud-based solutions, including solutions that address employee referrals, employee-job fit, workforce management, business continuity, application migration, and accounting/financial management.

Compared to their bulkier packaged software or home-grown counterparts, the cloud-based model offers anytime, anywhere availability, affordability, and fast/easy deployment. Canada’s emerging tech sector has fully embraced this disruptive approach to delivering solutions.

The IDC study concludes with some of the overarching trends IDC is seeing in this market and insights on how emerging companies can succeed.

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